perjantai 31. lokakuuta 2008

Riikka täällä heijjj!!!

It's raining..againg damn!

But I promised I'm going to tell you little bit about my trip to USA and how I went to see my favourite rapper 50 cent..

This all happend on April when I went to visit my closest friends.I love them so ,so much and they are the most wonderful people I have ever met!

I can't tell you all the details of the trip,I hope you understand that, but lets say 50 cent lives kinda close to my I went to see him..but he wasn't home. :'''S But I met someone else who is close to with 50 cent(sorry I can't tell you who,I promised to him that I won't reveal him to public)and we talked so long about everything.He was such a nice man and I won't ever forget his kindness :><3
I hope I could see him again someday!
this picture on the right is me going to see 50 cent :) doesn't he have a cool house??A DREAM HOUSE ;D hihi

I think that's all for now..
OU and PS we have new COOL pimp my clothes ideas ..on saturday we are going shopping some clothes so that we can start making them(after that I'm gonna go to hang out with my friends..we are going to movies and eating to a nice restaurant) videos are also keep watching youtube! :)


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