perjantai 31. lokakuuta 2008

I went to s.h.o.p.p.i.n.g.g. :><3 (by Riikka)

u know it ;D I hope you do!

<3 Riikka

Ps me and my friend Jenni are planning the biggest party of the year :D!!bcause Jenni is going to have b-day..more about that lateeerrr ooon..but now
remeber our e-mail adress
you can:
-book our clothes that we have made
-ask guestions you have in mind about rimada/about us
-tell what you think about our blog/youtube profile
-get more information about our pimp my clothes
-and so much more

Muistakaa meidän sähköposti osoitteemme:
sinne voit mailata:
-jos tahdot saada tuunauksemme
-voit kysyä kysymyksiä rimadasta/meistä
-kertoa mielipiteesi blogistamme/youtubetilistämme
-saada listätietoa ja päivityksiä rimadasta
-ja niin paljon enemmän

Riikka täällä heijjj!!!

It's raining..againg damn!

But I promised I'm going to tell you little bit about my trip to USA and how I went to see my favourite rapper 50 cent..

This all happend on April when I went to visit my closest friends.I love them so ,so much and they are the most wonderful people I have ever met!

I can't tell you all the details of the trip,I hope you understand that, but lets say 50 cent lives kinda close to my I went to see him..but he wasn't home. :'''S But I met someone else who is close to with 50 cent(sorry I can't tell you who,I promised to him that I won't reveal him to public)and we talked so long about everything.He was such a nice man and I won't ever forget his kindness :><3
I hope I could see him again someday!
this picture on the right is me going to see 50 cent :) doesn't he have a cool house??A DREAM HOUSE ;D hihi

I think that's all for now..
OU and PS we have new COOL pimp my clothes ideas ..on saturday we are going shopping some clothes so that we can start making them(after that I'm gonna go to hang out with my friends..we are going to movies and eating to a nice restaurant) videos are also keep watching youtube! :)


torstai 30. lokakuuta 2008


odotan joulua jo ihan innolla! silloin ei ole koulua, on ihana tunnelma, ja saa ilostuttaa toisen antamalla jonkin ihanan lahjan, jota tietää toisen toivoneen jo kauan! Jouluna pitää myös olla rauha, joten toivokaamme sitä silloin. Lauskelen jo ny joululauluja ;D tajusin juuri tänään että en pidä liian siisteistä taloista. Jokaisessa talossa pitää olla vähän sotkua!

Niimpä toivotan Hauskaa Joulun Odotusta kaikille !

<3: Darja

keskiviikko 29. lokakuuta 2008

maria kirjoittaa = )

Olin tänää kaupoilla ja sen jälkee kaverin kanssa lenkillä :D:D kiva päivä oli : ))<3

ja pelasin tätä peliä : >>


hauskaa iltaa!

tiistai 28. lokakuuta 2008

next time..when riikka is going to write

next time when Riikka is going to wirte..SOMETHING ABOUT that day when she packed her bags and WENT to see her big IDOL 50 cent.

Ensi kerralla Riikan kirjoittaessa juttua siitä kuinka hän päätti mennä tapaamaan idoliaan 50centtiä..mitä tapahtui..that's something you really wanna know!

morning babes <3

Paras kuvan muokkaus ohjelma ikinä really should try it ;D!!

maanantai 27. lokakuuta 2008

so Darja had a birthday today and I bought her nomination we all have the same ones <3

something about me(the first one didn't work on this blog so I made new one)

Name: Riikka

Any nicknames : riesa,ridge,riksu ,rinkula..anything goes honey :D

What kindof things do you like to do?:pimpin my clothes,doing sports and dreaming about my future <3

What things do you appreciate in life:Healthy, loyalty friends and also every single day..

Do you believe in dreams and what kindof dreams do you have: HELL YEA I believe in dreams..ofcourse I do.I believe that dreams are thoughts and thoughts become realthings if you are ready to work hard to make them happen.I have made my every dream to come true..(it hasn't been easy ,but it has been worth it)right now rimada is my biggest dream ;> and this is just the beginning.All I want to say is that if you have a dream,don't wait until tomorrow..start working for it today!

What things do you love?:I love beeing happy..and I love my friends/family/love ones

What do you think is beautiful?I think people who don't realize how beauty they are..I think that's really pretty!And I also think having a good heart is beautiful.

What kind of music do you like.?:I love HIP HOP AND TECHNO!!holy mama..those are my true passion..hip hop maybe little more.I also like Tokio Hotels music..Maria and Darja made me to like it..those guys really know what they are doing ;D plus there isn't music that I wouldn't like..It's good to have an opend mind

Your biggest idol:Holy mama.I can't say only one ,but lets put it this way..I think people who know what they want and work their way to the top,those kind of people are my biggest idols..

Hottest guys on earth:hhahaha hmm well there are so many of them but here are some of them matthew mcconaughey,georg listing and jhonny depp <3 :*

How are maria and darja as friends:THE BEST ONES!I'm so happy to know that I have friends who are with me because of who I am.I have met so many people who just are pretending friendship without really meaning that..that's a sad thing..but maria and darja ,they really have a heart made of gold.They know me and I know them,this friendship is real!

your motto:remember to love yourself but don't be inlove sith yourself..and other one..heart made of gold is your key to succesful life,but remember everything that shines isn't made of gold!

sunnuntai 26. lokakuuta 2008


love rimada

Darja kertoo:

Huomenna on uuden viikon alun lisäksi myös minun syntymäpäiväni :)
hauska juttu... hehhhee:D
Täällä päin on todella sateista, joten toivomme ettei huomenna enää sataisi- näin rankasti ainakaan...

Lopuksi minä henkilökohtaisesti tahtoisin kiittä niitä ,ketkä ovat jaksaneet ilahduttaa meitä niin monilla tilauksilla, se tuo lämpöä sydämmiimme.

Hauskaa alkutalvea kaikille ( kohta talvi on oikeasti tulossa)

<3:rimadan darja